Source code for aquaduct.apps.valve.worker

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Aqua-Duct, a tool facilitating analysis of the flow of solvent molecules in molecular dynamic simulations
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018  Tomasz Magdziarz, Alicja Płuciennik, Michał Stolarczyk <>
# Copyright (C) 2019  Tomasz Magdziarz, Michał Banas <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import gc
from itertools import chain

import numpy as np
from import GCS
from aquaduct import logger

from setuptools import find_packages, setup
from aquaduct.traj.sandwich import open_traj_reader, ResidueSelection
from aquaduct.utils.helpers import create_tmpfile, iterate_or_die

#from aquaduct.apps.valve.core import GenericPaths
from aquaduct.traj.paths import GenericPaths
from aquaduct.apps.valve.helpers import results_n

[docs]class assign_nonsandwiched_paths(object): """ Worker which assign non-sandwiched paths to object container """ def __call__(self, args): """ :param args: tuple with object and paths :return: aquaduct.traj.paths.GenericPaths """ pat, nfos = args pat.add_012(nfos) return pat
[docs]class assign_sandwiched_paths(object): """ Worker which assign sandwiched paths to object container """ def __init__(self, all_res_ids, all_res_names, max_pf, results): """ Constructor :param all_res_ids: residues ids :param all_res_names: residues names :param max_pf: maximum possible frame :param results: residue coords :param pbar: progress bar """ self.all_res_ids = all_res_ids self.all_res_names = all_res_names self.max_pf = max_pf self.results = results def __call__(self, pnr): """ :param pnr: residue id :return: aquaduct.traj.paths.GenericPaths """ new_p = GenericPaths((0, self.all_res_ids[pnr]), name_of_res=self.all_res_names[pnr], min_pf=0, max_pf=self.max_pf) new_p.add_012( np.fromiter( chain(*(results_n(self.results[n])[:, pnr] for n in sorted(self.results.keys()))), dtype=np.int8)) return new_p
def stage_I_worker_q(input_queue, results_queue, pbar_queue): for input_data in iter(input_queue.get, None): layer_number, traj_reader_proto, scope_everyframe, scope, scope_convexhull, scope_convexhull_inflate, object_selection, progress_freq = input_data center_of_system = np.zeros(3) all_res = None traj_reader = open_traj_reader(traj_reader_proto) if not scope_everyframe: scope_selection = traj_reader.parse_selection(scope) progress = 0 progress_freq_flex = min(1, progress_freq) frame_rid_in_object = [] # the loop over frames for frame in traj_reader.iterate_over_frames(): if scope_everyframe: scope_selection = traj_reader.parse_selection(scope) # center of system center_of_system += scope_selection.center_of_mass() # current res selection res = traj_reader.parse_selection(object_selection).residues() # find matching residues, ie those which are in the scope: res_new = scope_selection.containing_residues(res, convex_hull=scope_convexhull, convex_hull_inflate=scope_convexhull_inflate) res_new.uniquify() # here is a list of residues in this layer that are in the object and in the scope # TODO: change way of center_of_system calculation to reflect center of object? # adds them to all_res if all_res: all_res.add(res_new) all_res.uniquify() else: all_res = res_new # remeber ids of res in object in current frame if res_new is not None: frame_rid_in_object.append([rid[-1] for rid in res_new.ids()]) else: frame_rid_in_object.append([]) progress += 1 if progress == progress_freq_flex: pbar_queue.put(progress) progress = 0 progress_freq_flex = min(progress_freq_flex * 2, progress_freq) # sent results results_queue.put({layer_number: (all_res, frame_rid_in_object, center_of_system)}) pbar_queue.put(progress) def stage_II_worker_q(input_queue, results_queue, pbar_queue): # input queue loop for input_data in iter(input_queue.get, None): # get data layer_number, traj_reader_proto, scope_everyframe, scope, scope_convexhull, scope_convexhull_inflate, object_selection, all_res_this_layer, frame_rid_in_object, is_number_frame_rid_in_object, progress_freq = input_data # open trajectory and get number of frames traj_reader = open_traj_reader(traj_reader_proto) number_of_frames = traj_reader.number_of_frames() # scope is evaluated only once before loop over frames so it cannot be frame dependent if not scope_everyframe: scope = traj_reader.parse_selection(scope) logger.debug("Scope definition evaluated only once for given layer") else: logger.debug("Scope definition evaluated in every frame, this might be very slow.") # get ids only once all_res_this_ids = list(all_res_this_layer.ids()) # big container for 012 path data # cache??? if GCS.cachedir: number_frame_object_scope = np.memmap(create_tmpfile(ext='dat', dir=GCS.cachedir), dtype=np.int8, shape=(number_of_frames, all_res_this_layer.len())) else: number_frame_object_scope = np.zeros((number_of_frames, all_res_this_layer.len()), dtype=np.int8) # progress reported peridicaly progress = 0 progress_gc = 0 progress_freq_flex = min(1, progress_freq) # the loop over frames, use izip otherwise iteration over frames does not work for rid_in_object, frame in zip(iterate_or_die(frame_rid_in_object, times=number_of_frames), traj_reader.iterate_over_frames()): # do we have object data? if not is_number_frame_rid_in_object: rid_in_object = [rid[-1] for rid in traj_reader.parse_selection(object_selection).residues().ids()] # assert rid_in_object is not None is_res_in_object = (rid[-1] in rid_in_object for rid in all_res_this_ids) # should scope be evaluated? if scope_everyframe: scope = traj_reader.parse_selection(scope) # check if all_res are in the scope, reuse res_ids_in_object_over_frames is_res_in_scope = scope.contains_residues(all_res_this_layer, convex_hull=scope_convexhull, convex_hull_inflate=scope_convexhull_inflate, known_true=None) # known_true could be rid_in_object # store results in the container number_frame_object_scope[frame, :] = np.array(list(map(sum, zip(is_res_in_object, is_res_in_scope))), dtype=np.int8) # increase progress counter and report progress if needed progress += 1 progress_gc += 1 if progress == progress_freq_flex: pbar_queue.put(progress) progress = 0 progress_freq_flex = min(progress_freq_flex * 2, progress_freq) if GCS.cachedir: number_frame_object_scope.flush() if progress_gc == progress_freq * 100: gc.collect() progress_gc = 0 # sent results to results_queue # cache??? if GCS.cachedir: number_frame_object_scope.flush() results_queue.put({layer_number: (number_frame_object_scope.filename, number_frame_object_scope.shape)}) del number_frame_object_scope else: results_queue.put({layer_number: number_frame_object_scope}) if progress: pbar_queue.put(progress) # termination gc.collect() def stage_II_worker_q_twoways(input_queue, results_queue, pbar_queue): # input queue loop for input_data in iter(input_queue.get, None): # get data layer_number, traj_reader_proto, scope_everyframe, scope, scope_convexhull, scope_convexhull_inflate, object_selection, all_res_this_layer, frame_rid_in_object, is_number_frame_rid_in_object, progress_freq = input_data # open trajectory and get number of frames traj_reader = open_traj_reader(traj_reader_proto) number_of_frames = traj_reader.number_of_frames() # scope is evaluated only once before loop over frames so it cannot be frame dependent if not scope_everyframe: scope = traj_reader.parse_selection(scope) logger.debug("Scope definition evaluated only once for given layer") else: logger.debug("Scope definition evaluated in every frame, this might be very slow.") # get ids only once all_res_this_ids = list(all_res_this_layer.ids()) # big container for 012 path data # cache??? if GCS.cachedir: number_frame_object_scope = np.memmap(create_tmpfile(ext='dat', dir=GCS.cachedir), dtype=np.int8, shape=(number_of_frames, all_res_this_layer.len())) else: number_frame_object_scope = np.zeros((number_of_frames, all_res_this_layer.len()), dtype=np.int8) # the loop over frames, use izip otherwise iteration over frames does not work progress = 0 for reverse in (False, True): # progress reported peridicaly progress_gc = 0 progress_freq_flex = min(1, progress_freq) # which all_res should be evalated? all_res_eval = np.ones(len(all_res_this_ids), dtype=bool) for rid_in_object, frame in zip( iterate_or_die(frame_rid_in_object, times=number_of_frames, reverse=reverse), traj_reader.iterate_over_frames(reverse=reverse)): # do we have object data? if not is_number_frame_rid_in_object: rid_in_object = [rid[-1] for rid in traj_reader.parse_selection(object_selection).residues().ids()] # assert rid_in_object is not None is_res_in_object = np.fromiter((rid[-1] in rid_in_object for rid in all_res_this_ids), dtype=bool) # if in object do not do scope check all_res_eval[is_res_in_object] = False if reverse: all_res_eval[number_frame_object_scope[frame, :] > 0] = False all_res_this_ids_eval = (i[-1] for te, i in zip(all_res_eval, all_res_this_ids) if te) all_res_this_layer_eval = ResidueSelection( {all_res_this_layer.numbers()[0]: list(all_res_this_ids_eval)}) # should scope be evaluated? if scope_everyframe: scope = traj_reader.parse_selection(scope) # check if all_res are in the scope, reuse res_ids_in_object_over_frames is_res_in_scope_eval = scope.contains_residues(all_res_this_layer_eval, convex_hull=scope_convexhull, convex_hull_inflate=scope_convexhull_inflate, known_true=None) # known_true could be rid_in_object is_res_in_scope = np.zeros(len(all_res_this_ids), dtype=bool) is_res_in_scope[ [int(nr) for nr, iris in zip(np.argwhere(all_res_eval), is_res_in_scope_eval) if iris]] = True if not reverse: is_res_in_scope[is_res_in_object] = True # store results in the container if reverse: number_frame_object_scope[frame, is_res_in_scope] = 1 is_res_in_scope[is_res_in_object] = True else: number_frame_object_scope[frame, :] = np.array(list(map(sum, zip(is_res_in_object, is_res_in_scope))), dtype=np.int8) # increase progress counter and report progress if needed progress += 1 progress_gc += 1 if progress == progress_freq_flex: pbar_queue.put(progress * 0.5) progress = 0 progress_freq_flex = min(progress_freq_flex * 2, progress_freq) if GCS.cachedir: number_frame_object_scope.flush() if progress_gc > progress_freq * 100: gc.collect() progress_gc = 0 all_res_eval = np.zeros(len(all_res_this_ids), dtype=bool) all_res_eval[is_res_in_scope] = True # sent results to results_queue # cache??? if GCS.cachedir: number_frame_object_scope.flush() results_queue.put({layer_number: (number_frame_object_scope.filename, number_frame_object_scope.shape)}) del number_frame_object_scope else: results_queue.put({layer_number: number_frame_object_scope}) gc.collect() pbar_queue.put(progress * 0.5) # termination