# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Aqua-Duct, a tool facilitating analysis of the flow of solvent molecules in molecular dynamic simulations
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Tomasz Magdziarz, Alicja Płuciennik, Michał Stolarczyk <info@aquaduct.pl>
# Copyright (C) 2019 Tomasz Magdziarz <info@aquaduct.pl>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Module comprises convieniences functions and definitios for different operations related to command line user interface.
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from aquaduct import logger as root_logger
import datetime
import time
from sys import stderr
from os import linesep
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
from aquaduct.utils.helpers import is_number, is_float, is_iterable
import json
from traceback import print_tb
from multiprocessing import Manager
from termcolor import colored
def bold(mess):
return colored(mess, attrs=['bold'])
except ImportError:
def bold(mess):
return mess
# roman emulation
class roman_emulation(object):
def toRoman(self, nr):
out = ''
if nr < 0:
out += '-'
nr = -nr
assert nr <= 10, 'Only values 0-10 are supported'
if nr >= 1 and nr <= 3:
out += 'I' * nr
if nr == 4:
out += 'IV'
if nr >= 5 and nr <= 8:
out += 'V' + self.toRoman(nr - 5)
if nr == 9:
out += 'IX'
if nr == 10:
out += 'X'
return out
roman = roman_emulation()
def emit_message_to_file_in_root_logger(mess):
# emits message to the file used by file handler in the root logger
# assumes there is only one file handler
if logging.FileHandler in list(map(type, root_logger.handlers)):
fh = root_logger.handlers[list(map(type, root_logger.handlers)).index(logging.FileHandler)]
with fh.lock:
with open(fh.baseFilename, 'a') as logfile:
def emit_tvtb_to_file_in_root_logger(tvtb):
# emits special message to the file used by file handler in the root logger
# assumes there is only one file handler
# tvtb should be output of sys.exc_info()
if logging.FileHandler in list(map(type, root_logger.handlers)):
fh = root_logger.handlers[list(map(type, root_logger.handlers)).index(logging.FileHandler)]
with fh.lock:
with open(fh.baseFilename, 'a') as logfile:
t, v, tb = tvtb
logfile.write("Traceback (most recent call last):" + linesep)
print_tb(tb, None, logfile)
logfile.write("%s: %s%s" % (t.__name__, str(v), linesep))
def message_special(mess):
[docs]def message(mess, cont=False):
Prints message to standard error.
If FileHandler is present in the :class:`root_logger` the same message is appended to the log file.
:param str mess: message to print
:param bool cont: if set True no new line is printed
if cont:
mess = mess + ' '
mess = mess + linesep
class fbm(object):
# feedback message
def __init__(self, info, cont=True):
self.__cont = cont
self.__info = info
message(info + '...', cont=self.__cont)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, typ, value, traceback):
if typ is None:
if self.__cont:
message(self.__info + ": DONE.")
def __call__(self, info):
if self.__cont:
message(info, cont=True)
message(info, cont=False)
class tictoc(object):
def __init__(self, mess, stdout=False):
self.__tic = 0
self.__toc = 0
self.__mess = mess
self.__stdout = stdout
def __enter__(self):
self.__tic = time.time()
return self
def __exit__(self, typ, value, traceback):
self.__toc = time.time()
if typ is None:
if self.__stdout:
message('Execution time of [%s] %f' % (self.__mess, (self.__toc - self.__tic)))
# logger.debug('Execution time of [%s] %s', self.__mess, smart_time_string(self.__toc - self.__tic))
logger.debug('Execution time of [%s] %f', self.__mess, (self.__toc - self.__tic))
def duration(self):
return self.__toc - self.__tic
gregorian_year_in_days = 365.2425
'''Length of Gregorian year in days. Average value. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year'''
[docs]def smart_time_string(s, rl=0, t=1.1, maximal_length=None, maximal_units=5):
Function transforms time in seconds to nicely formatted string of
length defined by :attr:`maximal_length`. Depending on number of seconds time is represented with
one or more of the following units:
========= =================
Unit name Unit abbreviation
========= =================
seconds s
minutes m
hours h
days d
years y
========= =================
Maximal number of units used in time string can be set with :attr:`maximal_units`.
:param int s: Input time in seconds.
:param int rl: Number of units already used for representing time.
:param float t: Exces above standard number of current time units.
:param int maximal_length: Maximal length of the output string. Must be greater then 0.
:param int maximal_units: Maximal number of units used in the output string. Must be greater then 0 and lower then 6.
:return: string of nicely formated time
:rtype: str
# assert isinstance(maximal_length, (int, long))
# assert maximal_length > 0
assert isinstance(maximal_units, int)
assert maximal_units > 0
assert maximal_units < 6
output = ''
rl += 1
if rl > maximal_units:
output = ''
# seconds
if s < t * 60:
output = "%2.2d s" % s
elif s < t * 3600:
output = ("%2.2d m" % (int(s) / 60)) + ' ' + smart_time_string(int(s) % 60, rl).strip()
elif s < t * 3600 * 24:
output = ("%2.2d h" % (int(s) / 3600)) + ' ' + smart_time_string(int(s) % 3600, rl).strip()
elif s < t * 3600 * 24 * gregorian_year_in_days:
output = ("%d d" % (int(s) / (3600 * 24))) + ' ' + smart_time_string(int(s) % (3600 * 24), rl).strip()
elif True:
output = ("%d y" % (int(s) / (3600 * 24 * gregorian_year_in_days))) + ' ' + smart_time_string(
int(s) % (3600 * 24 * gregorian_year_in_days), rl).strip()
if maximal_length:
return (output + " " * maximal_length)[:maximal_length]
return output
# vis separators
[docs]def gsep(sep='-', times=72, length=None):
Generic separator.
:param str sep: Element(s) of separator.
:param int times: Number of times :attr:`sep` is printed.
:param int length: Optional maximal length of output.
:return: String separator.
:rtype: str
return (sep * times)[:length]
[docs]def tsep(line):
:param str line: Input line.
:return: Returns default :func:`gsep` of length of :attr:`line`.
return gsep(sep='-', times=len(line))
[docs]def underline(line):
:param str line: Input line.
:return: String made by concatenation of :attr:`line`, :mod:`os.linesep`, and output of :func:`tsep` called with :attr:`line`.
:rtype: str
uline = line
uline += linesep
uline += tsep(line)
return uline
[docs]def thead(line):
:param str line: Input line.
:return: String made by concatenation of output of :func:`tsep` called with :attr:`line`, :attr:`line`, :mod:`os.linesep`, and again output of :func:`tsep` called with :attr:`line`.
:rtype: str
header = tsep(line)
header += linesep
header += line
header += linesep
header += tsep(line)
return header
[docs]class SimpleProgressBar(object):
Simple progress bar displaying progress with percent indicator, progress bar and ETA.
Progress is measured by iterations.
:cvar str rotate: String comprising characters with frames of a rotating toy.
:cvar int barlenght: Length of progress bar.
:ivar int maxval: maximal number of iterations
:ivar int current: current number of iterations
:ivar bool overrun_notice: if True, overrun above :attr:`maxval` iterations causes insert of newline
:ivar bool overrun: flag of overrun
:ivar int begin: time in seconds at the initialization of the :class:`SimpleProgressBar` class.
:ivar int tcurrent: time in seconds of current iteration
rotate = '\\|/-'
# rotate = '<^>v'
# rotate = '.:|:.'
# rotate = 'x+'
barlenght = 24
def __init__(self, maxval=None, mess=None, iterable=None):
:param int maxval: Maximal number of iterations stored to :attr:`maxval`.
:param str mess: Optional message displayed at progress bar initialization.
# self.lock = Manager().Lock()
if maxval is None and is_iterable(iterable):
maxval = len(iterable)
self.iterable = iterable
assert isinstance(maxval,
int), 'Parameter maxval should be of int or long type, %r given instead.' % type(
if maxval < 1:
self.maxval = 1
self.maxval = maxval
self.tens = []
self.hundreds = []
self.current = 0
self.overrun_notice = True
self.overrun = False
self.begin = time.time()
self.tcurrent = self.begin
self.tictoclist = []
self.last_eta = None
self.last_rotate_time = self.begin
self.last_rotate_idx = 0
if mess is not None:
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, typ, value, traceback):
if typ is None:
def iter(self, finish=False):
for e in self.iterable:
yield e
if finish:
def bar(self):
barval = int(self.percent() / 100 * self.barlenght)
if barval > self.barlenght:
barval = self.barlenght
bar = '#' * barval
if self.current:
if self.tcurrent - self.last_rotate_time > 1. / 4: # FIXME: magic constant, remove it!
self.last_rotate_idx += 1
self.last_rotate_time = self.tcurrent
if self.last_rotate_idx > len(self.rotate) - 1:
self.last_rotate_idx = 0
bar += self.rotate[self.last_rotate_idx]
bar += ' ' * self.barlenght
return '[%s]' % bar[:self.barlenght]
[docs] def ETA(self):
Returns ETA calculated on the basis of current number of iterations
:attr:`current` and current time :attr:`tcurrent`. If number of
iterations is 0 returns ``?``.
Time is formated wiht :func:`smart_time_string`.
:return: ETA as string.
:rtype: str
if self.current == 0:
return '?'
if len(self.tictoclist) > 2:
diff = (np.median(np.diff(self.tictoclist)) / (self.maxval / 100.)) * self.current
diff = self.tcurrent - self.begin
periteration = diff / self.current
expected = periteration * self.maxval
eta = periteration * (self.maxval - self.current)
percent = 1 - self.percent() / 100.
if self.last_eta is not None:
if eta >= self.last_eta:
self.last_eta = eta
eta += eta * percent
self.last_eta = eta
eta_uncertain = eta * percent**2
if eta_uncertain > eta/10:
return smart_time_string(eta)+" +/- "+smart_time_string(eta_uncertain)
return smart_time_string(eta)
[docs] def percent(self):
Returns float number of precent progress calculated in the basis
of current number of iterations :attr:`current`. Should return
number between 0 and 100.
:returns: percent progress number
:rtype: float
percent = float(self.current) / float(self.maxval) * 100
return percent
[docs] def show(self):
Shows current progress.
If value returned by :meth:`percent` is =< 100 then progres is printed as
percent indicator leaded by ETA calculated by :meth:`ETA`.
If value returned by :meth:`percent` is > 100 then progress is printed as
number of iterations and total time.
Progress bar is writen to standard error.
percent = self.percent()
if int(percent) not in self.hundreds:
while len(self.tictoclist) > 20:
# TODO: create some unittests for pbar
mess = ''
mess_spec = ''
if percent > 100 or self.overrun:
if self.overrun_notice:
self.overrun_notice = False
self.overrun = True
mess_spec = "%d iterations out of %d. Total time: %s" % (self.current, self.maxval, self.ttime())
mess = "\r" + mess_spec
elif not self.overrun:
mess_spec = "%s%% %s ETA: %s" % (bold('%3d' % self.percent()), self.bar(), self.ETA())
mess = "\r" + mess_spec + "\033[K" # FIXME: magic constant!
# TODO: do not use last_rotate_time here, use separate marker, last_rotate_time can be used in over run notice
if int(percent) / 10 not in self.tens: # FIXME: magic constant!
if percent > 100:
if self.tcurrent - self.last_rotate_time > 60.: # FIXME: magic constant, remove it!
message_special(mess_spec + linesep)
self.tens.append(int(percent) / 10)
self.last_rotate_time = self.tcurrent
message_special(mess_spec + linesep)
self.tens.append(int(percent) / 10)
def heartbeat(self):
# with self.lock:
self.tcurrent = time.time()
#if self.tcurrent - self.last_rotate_time > 2.: # FIXME: magic constant, remove it!
# self.show()
def next(self, step=None):
if step is None:
return self.update(self.current + 1)
return self.update(self.current + step)
[docs] def update(self, step):
Updates number of current iterations :obj:`current` by one if :obj:`step` is > 0.
Otherwise number of current iterations is not updated.
In boths cases time of current iteration :obj:`tcurrent` is updated and
:meth:`show` is called.
:param int step: update step
# TODO: change logic of step == 1 vs step > 1 - add or set?
# with self.lock:
if step > 0:
self.current = step
self.tcurrent = time.time()
if (step == self.maxval) or (
self.tcurrent - self.last_rotate_time > 1. / 4): # FIXME: magic constant, remove it!
# TODO: check for last_rotate_time is done twice, SimpleProgressBar code needs revision
[docs] def ttime(self):
Calculates and returns total time string formated with :func:`smart_time_string`.
:return: string of total time
:rtype: str
return smart_time_string(self.tcurrent - self.begin)
[docs] def finish(self):
Finishes progress bar. First, :meth:`update` is called with :obj:`step` = 0. Next message of total time
is writen to standard error.
if self.current < self.maxval:
message("Total time: %s" % self.ttime())
# stderr.write(linesep)
pbar = SimpleProgressBar # default progress bar
def get_str_timestamp():
# returns time stamp as string
return str(datetime.datetime(*tuple(time.localtime())[:6]))
class SimpleTree(object):
def __init__(self, name=None, message=None, treestr=None):
# assert no {}[], are in name or message
if treestr is not None:
self.name = name
self.message = []
self.branches = []
def _init_str(self, s):
d = json.loads(s)
self.name = str(d['name'])
if is_number(self.name):
if is_float(self.name):
self.name = float(self.name)
self.name = int(self.name)
self.message = list(map(str, d['message']))
self.branches = [SimpleTree(treestr=treestr) for treestr in list(map(str, d['branches']))]
def __repr__(self):
# this can be used to rebuild
return json.dumps({'name': self.name, 'message': self.message, 'branches': list(map(repr, self.branches))})
def __str__(self):
return "%s {%s} %s" % (str(self.name), "; ".join(self.message), str(list(map(str, self.branches))))
def is_leaf(self):
return len(self.branches) == 0
def leafs_names(self):
return [leaf.name for leaf in self.branches]
def get_leaf(self, name):
assert name in self.leafs_names
return [leaf for leaf in self.branches if name == leaf.name][0]
def add_message(self, message=None, toleaf=None, replace=False):
if toleaf is not None:
return self.add_message_to_leaf(message=message, toleaf=toleaf, replace=replace)
if message is not None:
if isinstance(message, list):
if replace:
self.message = message
self.message += message
if replace:
self.message = [message]
self.message += [message]
def add_message_to_leaf(self, message=None, toleaf=None, replace=False):
if toleaf in self.leafs_names:
leaf = self.get_leaf(toleaf)
return leaf.add_message(message, replace=replace)
for leaf in self.branches:
leaf.add_message_to_leaf(message=message, toleaf=toleaf, replace=replace)
def add_leaf(self, name=None, message=None, toleaf=None):
if toleaf is not None:
return self.add_leaf_to_leaf(name=name, message=message, toleaf=toleaf)
leaf = SimpleTree(name=name, message=message)
def add_leaf_to_leaf(self, name=None, message=None, toleaf=None):
if toleaf in self.leafs_names:
leaf = self.get_leaf(toleaf)
return leaf.add_leaf(name=name, message=message)
for leaf in self.branches:
leaf.add_leaf_to_leaf(name=name, message=message, toleaf=toleaf)
def print_simple_tree(st, prefix=None, multiple=False, concise=True):
_l = '|'
_t = ' '
_c = '-+' + _t
def name_str(name):
if name is None:
return ''
return str(name)
def name_len(name):
return len(name_str(name))
def message_str(message):
if len(message):
return '{%s}' % '; '.join(message)
return ''
prefix_ = ''
if prefix is not None:
prefix_ += prefix
out = ''
# name
out += prefix_
out += name_str(st.name)
if not st.is_leaf():
if name_len(st.name):
out += _c
out += message_str(st.message)
out += linesep
if multiple:
new_prefix = prefix_ + _l + (_t * (name_len(st.name) - 1))
new_prefix = prefix_ + (_t * (name_len(st.name)))
new_prefix += _t
if not concise:
out += new_prefix + _l + linesep
out_rec = []
for nr, branch in enumerate(st.branches):
out_rec.append(partial(print_simple_tree, prefix=new_prefix, multiple=len(st.branches) - nr > 1)(branch))
out += ''.join(out_rec)
if st.branches[-1].is_leaf() and not concise:
out += new_prefix.rstrip(_t) + linesep
out += _t
out += message_str(st.message)
out += linesep
return out