
class ValveDataCodec[source]

Bases: object

Class defines format of encoding AQ objects into NetCDF format. Encoding defined here can be also used to store AQ objects as NumPy arrays.

version = (0, 0, 1)

Current version of ValveDataCodec

static varname(name, *suffix)[source]

Name of variable made by combining base name and suffixes (if any). Base name and suffixes are joined with dot ‘.’.

  • name – Base for variable name.

  • suffix – Optional suffixes.


Name of variable made by combining base name and suffixes (if any).

System Message: WARNING/2 (/home/kara/Desktop/AQ/aqua-duct/src/aquaduct/apps/valve/ of, line 7)

Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

Base name and suffixes are joined with dot ‘.’.